Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The frustrations of puritanical media channels...

Well, this is just a quick note to say that if anyone is trying to view the 1st and 5th video in 'Day 1' then you can't anymore. You will get the same message I'm getting - 'We're sorry this video is no longer available'.

Why? Well, I pondered that same question for a couple of hours myself until I wondered if anyone might take offence to the word 'crap' or 'hell'... And, it would seem that somebody really does have a problem with those words, which is curious because I'm from the British Isles and 'crap' is old slang for money (or gold), so... when I say crap I'm referring to gold, and when I say 'hell' I'm referring to the chain of pizza restaurants here in New Zealand... Go figure eh?!

As Oscar Wilde once said about America and Britain - 'Two nations divided by a common language'.

So anyway, I'll repost the videos as '1st video - the puritanical director's cut' and '5th video - une homage to Oscar'...


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